Rabu, 10 Februari 2016

10 Tips Changing Fatigue Become Excitement

Source :  inti-kesehatan

Daily activities that recurrent and drain a lot of energy no doubt will load and eventually gave fatigue to your body. When that happens, you even can not do anything other than continue the routine that become your daily obligations. For example, you must work in an office as employee of banks and other offices, then you just let it go and resume your activities without having to care about your fatigue. Things like this instead of making fatigue disappear, but sooner or later will make you depressed and got severe stress.

Many studies reveal that 8 out of 10 people who are busy and suffering from fatigue consume multivitamin or supplements to relieve fatigue after work . But from the survey result, eventhough it is temporarily relieve body fatigue from physical factors, but in terms of psychology or mental brain, our feelings will still feel tired. A lot of people still underestimate this, eventhough some paramedics always remind us that in a Healthy Soul there will be a Healthy Body as well.

Therefore, in dealing with this issues, things that should be done is to give you a kind of therapy to change fatigue in the body becomes a spirit that can have a positive impact on the mind and soul.

Here Tips Changing Fatigue Being Excitement

1. Improving The Sleep Quality

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To give the spirit back in your busy days, the first step should be done is to improve the sleep quality. When you are feeling exhausted, sleeping at will is not the right solution. But when fatigue attack you, just sleep enough and let you feel comfortable when sleeping. Bathe first to get your body fresh, and sleep in a comfortable place. Try to sleep in the dark. Some experts said sleeping in the dark is good for the body to avoid radiation. If you successfully restore your sleep quality , your spirit will automatically return.

2. Avoiding The Gadget 

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The second tips , you should avoid the gadget if you want to change fatigue into spirit. Adrenalin will quickly trigger when you are focusing on something. By continuing attached with your gadget , you certainly will give maximum attention to the gadget itself. You will always feel surprised when BBM or other social media give notifications. In addition, if your phone suddenly rang, then you will intentionally give your focus to it. So, avoid the gadget to restore adrenaline that causes fatigue to regain the spirit.

3. Find and See The Sunlight

For you who work in an office and have to be in an enclosed space for a few hours , then you should look for a light for a while. Do'nt assume the lamplight is good for you, you need sunlight in order to stimulate your brain work. Countless neural studies suggest that you need a minimum of 30 minutes of being outdoors and the sunlight to regain energy. By this way you will be able to make your brain and your soul being excited mainly to avoid fatigue.

4. Taking a Deep Breath as Often as Possible

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A diet center director suggested that when the fatigue hit us either because of work or because of other things, then what we must often do is frequently draw our breath deeply. In this way it will give us sufficient oxygen intake and smoothen blood circulation. If the oxygen intake to the brain is also met well , you can suggest yourself to keep the spirit despite the fatigue you always hit.

5. Meditating

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Meditation here does'nt mean you have to look for a cave or a secluded spot and then idling around. When you feel tired, take a little time to keep silent like a person who is meditating. Close your eyes for a while, slow down and extend the your breath so that even you can listen your own heartbeat. In such a manner you can calm your soul. While doing meditation, think of positive things such as the things you want to accomplish or other things that could refresh your spirit and ease exhaustion that consume your body.

6. Helping Others People

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It may sound odd that by helping others people will certainly relieve your fatigue and even turn it into spirit. You certainly would think that by helping others just would add another tiredness, but not only proven spiritually alone but also scientifically that by helping others will increase endofrin substances in our body that give pleasure. In fact it has been proven that the endofrin will last for hours. Therefore by helping others, your psychological life will improve and make your spirit back from fatigue. 

7. Drinking Tea 

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This simple drink should not be taken lightly. Tea contains antioxidants that can eliminate all free particles mainly substances which make the body feels tired. Tea can oxidize human body back into neutral PH and improve adrenaline as well.

8. Consuming Protein

Protein has been proven to contain tyrosine, an amino acid that can improve the performance of our brain, desire to get our back the spirit to overcome body fatigue.

9.  Changing Your Routine

Change your daily routine, for example reroute your trip to the office, cook new foods or try to do some art activities. Just by changing your routines or patterns of activity for 15 minutes then you will reset your energy back because it does'nt repeat the activity that's it.

10. Meeting the Experts

Image result for reflexology expertYou should also meet with experts who are experienced in overcoming fatigue. Therapies such as acupuncture and psychiatrists to calm your mind.
That's some way to change your fatigue and get back your spirit. It would be easy if you motivate yourself that you can do it. Good luck and thank you.

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